Modul corect de a-ti pensa sprancenele:
1. Maseaza-ti bine pielea de deasupra si dedesubtul sprancenelor cu o crema usoara, putin mentolata, pana cand aceasta intra in piele.
2. 2. Cu ajutorul unei periute speciale, piaptana-ti sprancenele.
3. 3.Tinand penseta in sensul de crestere a firului de par, apuca cu incredere – dar cate un singur fir – si trage fara nicio ezitare, altfel firele se pot rupe, creand un aspect inestetic.
4. 4.Dupa ce ai terminat de smuls toate firele pe care le considerai in plus, curata zona cu un tampon de vata inmuiat intr-o lotiune astringenta, pentru a inchide porii.
Ideal ar fi ca tot acest proces sa se desfasoare la o lumina foarte buna, puternica, care sa iti ofere vizibilitate maxima asupra firelor de par.
Sprancenele joaca un rol foarte important in forma ochilor. De exemplu, daca ei sunt apropiati, linia sprancenelor ar trebui sa inceapa la aproximativ jumatate de centimetru distanta de coltul interior al ochilor, insa daca ochii sunt departati, din contra – linia sprancenelor trebuie sa inceapa cat mai din interior. Pentru a evita aspectul sever al fetei, nu uita niciodata sa pensezi si firele de par care cresc intre sprancene, deasupra nasului! Inainte sa incepi sa te pensezi, nu uita ca grosimea sprancenelelor trebuie sa fie proportionala cu cea a buzelor…
[ The correct way to clip your eyebrows:
1. Massage your skin above and below the right eyebrow with alight cream, a little mint, until it penetrates the skin.
2. Using a brush, comb your eyebrows.
3. Taking tweezers in the direction of hair growth, start with confidence - but only one thread - and shoot without anyhesitation or wires can break, creating an unsightly appearance.
4. After you finish pulled all the threads you think are extra clean the area with a cotton ball soaked in astringent lotion to closepores.
Ideally this process to take place in a good light, strong, to give you maximum visibility on the hair.
Eyebrows play an important role in eye shape. For example, if they are close, brow line should start about half an inch away from the inner corner of eye, but if your eyes are far away, on the contrary - brow line should start as from within. To avoid severeappearance of the face, and never forget to pinch the hairs that grow between the eyebrows above the nose! Before you start a pension, do not forget that sprancenelelor thickness should beproportional to the lips ...]
2. Using a brush, comb your eyebrows.
3. Taking tweezers in the direction of hair growth, start with confidence - but only one thread - and shoot without anyhesitation or wires can break, creating an unsightly appearance.
4. After you finish pulled all the threads you think are extra clean the area with a cotton ball soaked in astringent lotion to closepores.
Ideally this process to take place in a good light, strong, to give you maximum visibility on the hair.
Eyebrows play an important role in eye shape. For example, if they are close, brow line should start about half an inch away from the inner corner of eye, but if your eyes are far away, on the contrary - brow line should start as from within. To avoid severeappearance of the face, and never forget to pinch the hairs that grow between the eyebrows above the nose! Before you start a pension, do not forget that sprancenelelor thickness should beproportional to the lips ...]
Corectura sprancenelor:
Un aspect foarte important care merita mentionat la machiajul ochilor este forma sprancenelor – sprancenele ne definesc si influenteaza machiajul, si de aceea, ele trebuiesc sa fie tot timpul pensate si cu o forma adecvata.
Nu se poarta sprancenele foarte subtiri sau chiar facute din creion dermatograf. Poti folosi creionul sau un fard de sprancene, dar asta doar pentru corectarea, accentuarea sau ingrosarea lor. Daca folosesti creionul, nu trage o singura linie dreapta, ci contureaza-ti zona cu linii scurte, subtiri, care seamana cu parul natural al sprancenelor. Incearca, pe cat posibil, sa alegi culoarea creionului / fardului cat mai asemanatoare cu nuanta naturala a sprancenelor.
In cazul in care nu simti nevoia sa-ti remodelezi sprancenele, este necesar totusi sa elimini firele de par de pe arcada ochiului, deoarece ele devin foarte inestetice cand sunt acoperite de fard. Imediat ce le vei elimina, vei observa cum ochii tai par mai luminosi, mai migdalati, iar machiajul va fi mult mai de efect.
Pensarea sprancenelor se poate face destul de simplu si de catre tine, acasa, insa daca nu te simti stapana pe mainile tale, ideal ar fi sa mergi la cosmetica decat sa faci o greseala greu de reparat ulterior.
[ eyebrow correction:
An important aspect worth mentioning is the shape eyebrows eye makeup - makeup eyebrows define us and influence, andtherefore they must always be plucked and an appropriate form.
Do not wear very thin eyebrows or eyeliner pencil made from. You can use eyebrow pencil or shadow, but only for correction, emphasis or thickening them. If you use pencil, not only draw astraight line but the line shape your short, thin hair that looks likenatural eyebrows. Try, if possible, choose color pencil / shadowas similar to the natural brow color.
Do not wear very thin eyebrows or eyeliner pencil made from. You can use eyebrow pencil or shadow, but only for correction, emphasis or thickening them. If you use pencil, not only draw astraight line but the line shape your short, thin hair that looks likenatural eyebrows. Try, if possible, choose color pencil / shadowas similar to the natural brow color.
If you do not feel the need to remodel your eyebrows, it is necessary to remove the hair still on the arch of the eye, they become very unsightly as they are covered by makeup. As soon as you remove them, you'll notice how your eyes seem bright,almond, and makeup will be more effective.
Plucking eyebrows can be quite simple and by you, at home, but ifyou do not feel in control of your hands, ideally go to beauty than to make a mistake difficult to repair later.]
Plucking eyebrows can be quite simple and by you, at home, but ifyou do not feel in control of your hands, ideally go to beauty than to make a mistake difficult to repair later.]
Penseazate in functie de forma fetei:
Se recomanda sprancenele groase si foarte slab arcuite.Grosimea sprancenelor trebuie sa fie proportionala cu trasaturile fetei.
[ We clip according to face shape:
Square form:
We recommend very weak thick eyebrows eyebrowsarcuite.Grosimea should be proportional to the facial features.]
Sprancenele nu trebuie sa fie arcuite excesiv si nici rotunjite.Trebuie sa fie subtiate si arcuite usor,iar punctual de pornire nu trebuie sa fie apropiat de coltul intern al ochiului.
[ Oval form:
Arched eyebrows should not be excessive nor rotunjite.Trebuie bethinned and slightly arched, and the starting point should be close to the internal corner of the eye.]
Arched eyebrows should not be excessive nor rotunjite.Trebuie bethinned and slightly arched, and the starting point should be close to the internal corner of the eye.]
Se recomanda marirea distantei intre sprancene,fara a le subtia prea mult si fara sa fie arcuite.
[ Oblong form:
It recommends increasing distance between the eyebrows,without them too thin and not be sprung.]FORMA DE DIAMANT:
Se recomanda sprancenele drepte si se urmareste departarea usoara de baza nasului.
[ Diamond form:
It is recommended eyebrows straight and follow the distant light ofthe nose.]
It is recommended eyebrows straight and follow the distant light ofthe nose.]
Se recomanda sprancenele care urmeaza o linie ascendenta(va da un aer tineresc)dar evitati subtierea exacerata (o sa pareti mai in varsta decat sunteti)
[ Round form:
It is recommended to follow a line upward eyebrows (to give ayouthful air) but avoid thinning exacerata (her seem older than you)]
It is recommended to follow a line upward eyebrows (to give ayouthful air) but avoid thinning exacerata (her seem older than you)]
Sper sa va fie de folos.Va pup:*:*!
Gorgeous! Love this post. Kisses!