Hey girls:X
Spring is the season in which you apply masks to provide nutrition to the skin vitamins as needed.
Apply herbal mask on face and neck twice a week. Plafar you buy from chamomile, linden, lavender and sage and mix them in a mortar or a bowl of earthenware, as follows:
- 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers;
- 2 teaspoons of lavender;
- 1 teaspoon of sage;
- 2 tablespoons linden.
Over this mixture of herbs, pour some hot water that they can blend composition and cover the dish to infuse plants. Allow 15 minutes then add a few drops of hot water and mix well. Then apply on face and neck, avoiding the eyelid, using a spatula and cover face with gauze. It sits there for 25 minutes. During this time you can apply and 2 slices of cucumber on your eyelids.
After 25 minutes remove the gauze and plant debris and wipe face with a towel soaked in warm water.
Mask with linden and honey, and apply morning and night and has the ability to remove impurities and restore skin brightness and freshness. It also has very good effect in calming irritation.
Over half a cup of hot water put a teaspoon of linden and cover for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes, add 2 drops of honey.
Wash face and neck with a cotton pellet soaked with the mixture obtained for 2-3 minutes. After application, do not wipe your face and neck.
Evening after applying the mixture is introduced into the vessel which was prepared in the fridge to be applied the next morning, after wash face with cold water.
The mixture is prepared and applied on the face and neck for a week.
The best time of day that can be applied to strawberry mask is morning before entering the shower. While sitting in the leather mask, we can drink coffee, or we can do household chores.
Crush two strawberries, and the mixture obtained on the face, eyelids and neck. It lies 20 minutes then remove the mask by washing with cold water.
This mask is highly nutritious and gives skin elasticity and tonicity. Also has beneficial effects in fading spots and freckles.
Primavara este anotimpul in care este bine sa aplicam masti de nutritie pentru a-i furniza pielii vitaminele atat de necesare.
Aplicati masca cu plante medicinale, pe fata si pe gat de doua ori pe saptamana. Procurati-va de la Plafar musetel, tei, lavanda si salvie si amestecati-le intr-un mojar sau intr-un castron de faianta, astfel:
- 2 linguri flori de musetel;
- 2 lingurite de lavanda;
- 1 lingurita de salvie;
- 2 linguri de flori de tei.
Peste acest amestec de plante medicinale, se toarna putina apa fierbinte incat sa se poata omogeniza compozitia si se acopera vasul pentru a infuza plantele.
Se lasa 15 minute dupa care se mai adauga cateva picaturi de apa fierbinte si se amesteca foarte bine.
Se aplica apoi pe fata si pe gat, evitand zona pleoapelor, cu ajutorul unei spatule si se acopera fata cu bucati de tifon.
Se sta asa timp de 25 de minute. In acest timp poti aplica si pe pleoape 2 felii de castravete.
Dupa cele 25 de minute se inlatura tifonul si resturile de plante si se sterge fata cu ajutorul unui prosop imbibat cu apa calduta.
Cel mai bun moment al zilei in care poate fi aplicata masca cu capsuni, este dimineata inainte de a intra sub dus. In timp ce stam cu masca pe piele, ne putem bea cafeaua, sau ne putem face treburile casnice.
Se zdrobesc doua capsuni, iar amestecul obtinut se aplica pe fata, pleoape si gat. Se sta 20 de minute dupa care se indeparteaza masca prin spalare cu apa rece.
Aceasta masca este puternic nutritiva si da elasticitate si tonicitate tenului. In acelasi timp are efecte benefice si in decolorarea petelor si pistrilor.
Masca cu tei si miere de albine, se aplica si seara si dimineata si are proprietatea de a inlatura impuritatile si de a reda tenului luminozitatea si prospetimea. Are de asemenea efecte foarte bune in calmarea iritatiilor.
Peste o jumatate de ceasca de apa fierbinte se pune o lingurita rasa de flori de tei si se acopera timp de 15 minute. Dupa cele 15 minute se adauga 2 picaturi de miere.
Se spala fata si gatul si se tamponeaza cu o discheta imbibata cu amestecul obtinut timp de 2-3 minute. Dupa aplicare, nu se sterge fata si gatul.
Seara dupa aplicarea amestecului se introduce vasul in care a fost preparat la frigider, pentru a putea fi aplicat si in dimineata zilei urmatoare, dupa ce se spala fata cu apa rece.
Amestecul se prepara si se aplica pe fata si gat timp de o saptamana.
va pup:X:X!!!!