miercuri, 18 iulie 2012

Galaxy nails / party nails

Hello my dear:*
I know I missed some time but I was away :) Today I will show my nails :)
I hope you enjoy:)
I used:
- blue glitter
- Golden Rose black


buna dragele mele:*
Stiu ca am lipsit ceva timp dar am fost plecata :) Azi o sa va arat unghiile mele :)
sper sa va placa:)
Am folosit:
- sclipici albastru
- Golden Rose negru

miercuri, 4 iulie 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I was nominated of (http://karina0205.blogspot.com) to respond to this tag.
 The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

1.Post the Liebster Award image on your blog
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves
3. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer
4. Choose eleven people and link them in your post
5. Go to their page and tell them
6. Remember no tag backs!

About me
1.I want to eat healthier
2.I dream of driving an Audi R8 (I love this car)
3.This year I made ​​a wish list that I would like to put into practice during these year
4.not really trust people but not in me
5.I fell in love with the band Tokio Hotel
6.We had a great passion for the show One Tree Hill
7.I would have liked to practice volleyball or tennis
8.are complexed by height, I wanted to be higher
9.I dream to leave this country, somewhere in Germany or America
10.I would like to visit two cities :) Paris and New York
11.I fear for the future

Questions of krina

1.What is your favourite artists?
can be band? I like Tokio Hotel

2.Do you have a favorite object?name it.
Mobile phone, I like iphone

3.What type of music do you listen to?
Rock, pop, rock, rap

4.Do you have a fear or phobia?
I hate spiders and be enclosed in a small place
btrjeni si sa
5.Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I thought not, but perhaps I'll be where I intended

6.What annoys you the most?
shallow people(superficial)

7.What you want to change about yourself?
To be more self assured

8.Who is the most important person in your life and why?
Mom and grandma that always stood by me even if I wrong

9.Which cartoon character would you like to be ?
When I was little I wanted to be Songoku (Dragon Ball)
 mamaia pentru ca mereu au fost alaturi de mine

10.What was the best day of your life?
When I got the baccalaureate

11.Do you believe in life after death?
Yes, I believe

My questions:
  1. Who is your favorite color?
    2. What kind of movies you prefer?
    3. What's your favorite season?
    4. What's your favorite song?
    5. You prefer: big or mountain?
    6. What's your favorite phone?
    7. Who is your favorite piece of clothing?
    8.Why do not you ever miss the bag?
    9. What country would you like to live?
    10. If you could for one day to be a celebrity, who would you like to be?
    11. What cartoons did you rejoice childhood?

vineri, 22 iunie 2012

:> shyness / timiditatea :>

 Hello My dears:*
Wednesday should I say practice exam, college. I'm so nervous:( I do not like to speak to many people: (I suffer from acute shyness :)) joke:), each time talking in front of people I know do not turn red, beginning not to pronounce words well or in the worst case get stuck and not say anything: ( 
Why should you be so shy? You suffer from any disease or my personality?

What is shyness? 
Shyness is rooted in fear, an irrational fear of telling you loud opinions, to be humiliated or ignored. Why some people are so fearful when they have to reveal their thoughts? I think it's lack of safety, lack of confidence and exacerbated sensitivity. Unfortunately, shyness is often an insurmountable barrier to success.
 Although I read the kinds of articles on shyness, how to get rid of it I could not: (Do I have a problem?: (
What do you think about shyness?
Wish me luck that I needed to not make any mistake :))
 what to do to stop being so shy?

buna dragele mele:*
Miercuri trebuie sa imi sustin colocviul de practica la facultate :( Sunt asa emotionata:( Nu imi place sa vorbesc in fata multor oameni:(  sufar de timiditate acuta:)) glumesc:) de fiecare data cand vorbesc in fata unor oameni pe care nu ii cunosc inrosesc, incep sa nu mai pronunt cuvintele bine sau in cel mai rau caz ma blochez si nu mai zic nimic:(
De ce trebuie sa fiu asa timida? Sufar de vreo boala sau tine de personalitatea mea?

Ce este timiditatea ?
Timiditatea isi are radacinile in teama , o frica irationala de a-ti spune cu voce tare parerile , de a fi umilit ori ignorat . De ce unii oameni sunt atat de tematori atunci cand trebuie sa isi dezvaluie gandurile ? Cred ca este vorba despre lipsa de siguranta,lipsa increderii in sine si o sensibilitate exacerbata. Din pacate , timiditatea reprezinta o bariera adeseori insurmontabila in calea succesului..

Desi am citit fel si fel de articole despre timiditate, cum sa scapi de ea nu am reusit :( oare am vreo problema?:(
Voi ce parere aveti despre timiditate?
urati-mi succes ca am mare nevoie sa nu fac vreo gafa:))

joi, 14 iunie 2012

My first haul

Hello my dear readers:*
My blog has become rather monotonous:( and I thought that kind of posts would "pepper" less:D
This is my first haul, on I  post
There are several things received a knowledge of U.S.:)

Blush Maybelline Dream Mousse, 20 peach satin
Fundation Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse, creamy natural ( 5 light) airbrush finish

 Eyeliner L'Oreal Paris  Voluminious, black brown

Lipstick Maybelline, 715 luminous liliac

Gloss Lancome, mercury rising

Lancome Flash Bronzer

body lotion Victoria's Secret Sheer Love

Perfume Victoria's Secret Gorgeous

Blush Lancome, rose sophisticate
Lipliner Revlon natural
Eye glistener Rimmel London

I have no photos
What do you think? think we should make changes from time to time on the blog?

forward your views:X

duminică, 10 iunie 2012

sunshine nails

 Hey girls!
What a beautiful day, right? Today was a perfect day for walking, beach :)
I went to the beach because I feel like I do not tan too much and now I state are red as a crab: (
How did you spend you weekend? I hope you had a wonderful:)
I will show you a simple manicure, which I wore yesterday :) Orange and yellow took me think of sunshine and so we called it :D

 Hey fetelor!
Ce zi frumoasa, nu? Azi a fost o zi perfecta pentru plimbari, pentru plaja:)
Eu am fost la plaja si din cauza ca mi se para ca nu m-am bronzat am stat cam mult si acum sunt rosie ca un rac:(
Voi cum vati petrecut weekendul? Sper ca ati avut unul minunat
O sa va arat un model simplu de manichiura, pe care l-am purtat ieri:) Portocaliul si galbenul m-au dus cu gandul la razele soarelui si de aceea l-am numit asa


duminică, 3 iunie 2012

black mulberries

Hey girls!
During this there are many fruits, especially strawberries, cherries and sour cherries are seasonal and are delicious, but there are other fruits that are consumed less but their properties are unmatched. What do you think about? About mulberries, you know those fruits white, red or black which are pigmented and sweet:D
 Scientific Name: Morus alba, Morus nigra, Moraceae family
Parts used: fruit, leaves and young branches crust, tight spring.

Today we will speak about black mulberries
They are full of vitamins and antioxidants, helps the nervous system, proper functioning of the heart and liver.
Potassium is the main mineral they contain mulberries, but have the composition and manganese and vitamins C and B3. Have beneficial effects on the immune system, the natural energy and helping to improve absorption of iron in the body.
Nutritionists recommend a diet with mulberry 2 weeks, 300g morning on an empty stomach:)

People who want to get rid of extra pounds can drink mulberry tea leaves: Use only dry mulberry leaves. Tea is made from a teaspoon of mulberry leaves to 250 ml of boiling water. Drink after meals and a pleasant taste and can be sweetened with honey.
In perioada aceasta sunt foarte multe fructe, mai ales capsunile, ciresele si visinile care sunt de sezon si sunt delicioase, dar sunt si alte fructe care sunt mai putin consumate dar proprietatile lor sunt de neegalat. Despre ce credeti ca e vorba? Despre dude, stiti acele fructe albe,rosii sau negre care sunt pigmentate si dulci
Denumire stiintifica: Morus alba, Morus nigra, Familia Moraceae
Parti folosite: fructe, frunze si coaja ramurilor tinere, stranse primavara.

Azi va voi vorbi despre dudele negre
Ele sunt pline de vitamine si antioxidanti, ajuta sistemul nervos, menţine buna funcţionare a inimii şi a ficatului.
Potasiul este mineralul de bază pe care îl conţin dudele, dar mai au în compoziţie şi mangan şi vitaminele C şi B3. Au efecte benefice asupra sistemului imunitar, fiind energizante naturale şi ajutând la îmbunătăţirea absorbţiei fierului în organism.
Un aspect important este faptul că dudele combat insomniile, nevrozele şi ajută la buna oxigenare a creierului. Dudele negre fac parte din familia fructelor şi legumelor pline de antioxidanţi, atât de importanţi în prevenţia cancerului.
Nutritionistii recomanda o cura cu dude de 2 saptamani, 300g dimineata pe stomacul gol.
Persoanele care vor sa scape de kilogramele in plus pot sa bea ceai din frunze de dud: Se folosesc doar frunzele de dud uscate. Ceaiul se prepara dintr-o lingurita de frunze de dud la 250 de ml de apa clocotita. Se consuma dupa fiecare masa, iar pentru un gust si mai placut poate fi indulcit cu miere.

marți, 29 mai 2012

vintage mustache

                                                      is time mustache:))

hey how are you girls?
Finally the rain stopped and the sun made ​​its appearance than expected :)
Losing time on the internet I saw an interesting article to bloggers:) (http://crissakfashion.wordpress.com)
what do you think it was?: D About mustache, I know it sounds weird but it really is a must-have of 2012: D accessories, clothes, nail designs ... mustache is customary:D
It seemed so funny that I tried and I nail a model :)
is not able, but I want to share with you :)
P.S: do not understand why not focus phone well:(

hey ce mai faceti fetelor?
In sfarsit ploaia s-a oprit si si-a facut aparitia soarele mult asteptat:)
Pierzand timpul pe internet am vazut un articol interesant la o bloggerita:) (http://crissakfashion.wordpress.com)
despre ce credeti ca era vorba?:D Despre mustata, stiu suna ciudat dar chiar este un must-have al anului 2012:D Accesorii, haine, modele de unghii...mustata este nelipsita:D
Mi s-a parut asa de amuzant incat am zis sa incerc si eu un model de unghii:)
nu este chiar reusit, dar vreau sa impartasesc cu voi:)
P.S: nu inteleg de ce nu focalizeaza camera  telefonului bine:(
(two models I have looked nice on the internet)

and two casual outfits:D
What do you think? you like "mustache"?:D

sâmbătă, 26 mai 2012

Bold and playful

 Hey girls!
In today's article I will show a pattern of manicure done by me.I am not skilled but certainly not try unless you learn.
I saw some time ago a girl on youtube.Is a model for spring and summer because of "explosion of colors".
Of course you can do with your favorite colors: nude or pastel, mate or pearl:D
be playful, bold and colorful:D

In articolul de azi o sa va arat un model de manichiura facut de mine. Nu sunt eu priceputa dar daca nu incerc cu siguranta nu voi invata.
L-am vazut mai demult la o fata pe youtube.Este un model potrivit primavara  si vara datorita "exploziei de culori". Bineinteles ca il puteti face cu culorile voastre preferate: nude sau pastelate; mate sau sidefate:D

This is the end result and I needed a little bit of scoci:)
You like? What do you think

joi, 24 mai 2012

Rainy days..

Hey girls!
          It is a very bad time, torrential rains for several days, occasionally longer rain stops and the sun trying to make their place among the dark clouds, manages to "sketch a smile" for a few seconds but cloud-covered. 
          A time not so much to do and the state of boredom is taking place: (So I thought to watch some movies, have to plan: The Avangers, American Reunion and The Hunger Games.
What movies you recommend? no matter if is old or new
.Expect a review with your recommendations, I would be very grateful:*

Hey fetelor!
        Este o vreme foarte urat, de cateva zile ploua torential, din cand in cand se mai opreste ploaia si soarele incearca sa isi faca loc printre norii negri, reuseste sa "schiteze un zambet" de cateva secunde dar norii il acopera.
        Pe o asa vreme nu prea ai ce face si starea de plictiseala isi face loc:( Asa ca m-am gandit sa urmaresc niste filme, am in plan: The Avangers; American reunion and The Hunger Games.
Voi Ce filme in recomandati? nu conteaza daca sunt vechi sau noi.
Astept un comentariu cu recomandarile voastre, v-as fii foarte recunoscatoare:*

marți, 15 mai 2012

Life is easy???? NOOOOOT

Hey girls!:*
        I have not posting anything for a long time and I apologize, even if nobody missed me:)
It was a little more difficult for me, the decisions that to take and we could  not today:(  ( I do not thing anyone is so doubtful and uncertine on them) The stress put mark both mentally and physically on me:( I thank God that I got to get into any depression and gave me strenght to fight with me:)

hey fetelor!
Nu am mai postat nimic de o lunga perioada de timp si imi cer scuze chiar daca nimeni nu mi-a simtit lipsa:)
A fost o perioada putin mai grea pentru mine, cu decizii pe care trebuia sa le iau si nu am reusit nici in ziua de azi:(  ( nu cred ca mai exista persoane asa de nehotarate si nesigure pe ele:) Stresul si-a pus amprenta atat psihic cat si fizic asupra mea:( Ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca nu am ajuns sa intru in vreo depresie si mi-a dat puterea sa lupt cu mine:(

take care!!kisses:*:*

joi, 22 martie 2012

Blue glitter polka dots

Today will show a "model" very simple and cute nail: D Sorry for clear pictures: (
Source of inspiration: 

Azi v-a arat un "model" pentru unghii foarte simplu si dragut:D Scuze pentru claritatea pozelor:(
Sursa de inspiratie: aici

joi, 15 martie 2012

Ten Frumos / Beautiful skin

         We know with all that natural masks do wonders for the skin :)but also herbal infusions are beneficial for skin and not only :)
         Today I will present some examples of infusions "miracle"for a beautiful:D
* Compresses mask as yarrow infusion indicated for irritated andreddened complexions.
* Compress facial mask form with an infusion of calendula,suitable for dry skins enabled.
* Mask with an infusion of hops, in the form of tourniquet applied to the front to fight seborrhea and acne skin.
* Mask in the form of compresses of sage leaf infusion isindicated for seborrhea.
* Mask as compresses the hay infusion flowers on the face forno flexibility or aging skins.
* Mask compresses as linden infusion is indicated formaintaining freshness skin.
* Mask and refreshing cucumber moisturizing properties. Applycucumber slices that will rub on the face for skin to absorb the juice from them.
* Red mask, outside of its high vitamin, tomatoes are an excellent way of cleansing the skin and blackheads.

         Stim cu toate ca mastile naturale fac minuni pentru ten:) dar de asemenea si infuziile din plante medicinale sunt benefice pentru ten si nu numai:)
        Azi o sa va prezint cateva exemple de infuzii "miraculoase" pentru un ten frumos:D

* Masca sub forma de comprese cu infuzie de coada soricelului indicata pentru tenuri iritate si inrosite.
* Masca sub forma de comprese faciale cu infuzie de galbenele, indicata pentru activarea tenurilor uscate.
* Masca cu infuzie de conuri de hamei, sub forma de compresa aplicata pe fata pentru combaterea seboreii tenului si a acneii.
* Masca sub forma de comprese cu infuzie de frunze de salvia ce este indicata contra seboreii.
* Masca sub forma de comprese cu infuzie de flori de sunatoare ce se aplica pe fata in cazul tenurilor lipsite de suplete sau imbatrinite.
* Masca sub forma de comprese cu infuzie de flori de tei ce este indicat pentru mentinerea prospetimii tenului.
* Masca de castraveti are proprietati hidratante si invioratoare. Se aplica felii de castraveti ce se vor freca usor pe fata pentru ca pielea sa absoarba sucul din ele.
* Masca de rosii , in afara continutului mare de vitamine, rosiile sint un mijloc excelent de curatire a tenului si a punctelor negre.

luni, 12 martie 2012

Mask for spring / Masti pentru primavara

  Hey girls:X


                   Spring is the season in which you apply masks to provide nutrition to the skin vitamins as needed.

       Apply herbal mask on face and neck twice a week. Plafar you buy from chamomile, linden, lavender and sage and mix them in a mortar or a bowl of earthenware, as follows:
- 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers;
- 2 teaspoons of lavender;
- 1 teaspoon of sage;
- 2 tablespoons linden.
      Over this mixture of herbs, pour some hot water that they can blend composition and cover the dish to infuse plants. Allow 15 minutes then add a few drops of hot water and mix well. Then apply on face and neck, avoiding the eyelid, using a spatula and cover face with gauze. It sits there for 25 minutes. During this time you can apply and 2 slices of cucumber on your eyelids.
       After 25 minutes remove the gauze and plant debris and wipe face with a towel soaked in warm water.

          Mask with linden and honey, and apply morning and night and has the ability to remove impurities and restore skin brightness and freshness. It also has very good effect in calming irritation.
          Over half a cup of hot water put a teaspoon of linden and cover for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes, add 2 drops of honey.
          Wash face and neck with a cotton pellet soaked with the mixture obtained for 2-3 minutes. After application, do not wipe your face and neck.
           Evening after applying the mixture is introduced into the vessel which was prepared in the fridge to be applied the next morning, after wash face with cold water.
           The mixture is prepared and applied on the face and neck for a week.

           The best time of day that can be applied to strawberry mask is morning before entering the shower. While sitting in the leather mask, we can drink coffee, or we can do household chores.
           Crush two strawberries, and the mixture obtained on the face, eyelids and neck. It lies 20 minutes then remove the mask by washing with cold water.
           This mask is highly nutritious and gives skin elasticity and tonicity. Also has beneficial effects in fading spots and freckles.

                   Primavara este anotimpul in care este bine sa aplicam masti de nutritie pentru a-i furniza pielii vitaminele atat de necesare. 

Aplicati masca cu plante medicinale, pe fata si pe gat de doua ori pe saptamana. Procurati-va de la Plafar musetel, tei, lavanda si salvie si amestecati-le intr-un mojar sau intr-un castron de faianta, astfel:
- 2 linguri flori de musetel;
- 2 lingurite de lavanda;
- 1 lingurita de salvie;
- 2 linguri de flori de tei.
                Peste acest amestec de plante medicinale, se toarna putina apa fierbinte incat sa se poata omogeniza compozitia si se acopera vasul pentru a infuza plantele. 
               Se lasa 15 minute dupa care se mai adauga cateva picaturi de apa fierbinte si se amesteca foarte bine. 
               Se aplica apoi pe fata si pe gat, evitand zona pleoapelor, cu ajutorul unei spatule si se acopera fata cu bucati de tifon. 
              Se sta asa timp de 25 de minute. In acest timp poti aplica si pe pleoape 2 felii de castravete.
              Dupa cele 25 de minute se inlatura tifonul si resturile de plante si se sterge fata cu ajutorul unui prosop imbibat cu apa calduta.

             Cel mai bun moment al zilei in care poate fi aplicata masca cu capsuni, este dimineata inainte de a intra sub dus. In timp ce stam cu masca pe piele, ne putem bea cafeaua, sau ne putem face treburile casnice.
             Se zdrobesc doua capsuni, iar amestecul obtinut se aplica pe fata, pleoape si gat. Se sta 20 de minute dupa care se indeparteaza masca prin spalare cu apa rece. 
             Aceasta masca este puternic nutritiva si da elasticitate si tonicitate tenului. In acelasi timp are efecte benefice si in decolorarea petelor si pistrilor.

             Masca cu tei si miere de albine, se aplica si seara si dimineata si are proprietatea de a inlatura impuritatile si de a reda tenului luminozitatea si prospetimea. Are de asemenea efecte foarte bune in calmarea iritatiilor.
            Peste o jumatate de ceasca de apa fierbinte se pune o lingurita rasa de flori de tei si se acopera timp de 15 minute. Dupa cele 15 minute se adauga 2 picaturi de miere. 
            Se spala fata si gatul si se tamponeaza cu o discheta imbibata cu amestecul obtinut timp de 2-3 minute. Dupa aplicare, nu se sterge fata si gatul. 
           Seara dupa aplicarea amestecului se introduce vasul in care a fost preparat la frigider, pentru a putea fi aplicat si in dimineata zilei urmatoare, dupa ce se spala fata cu apa rece. 
           Amestecul se prepara si se aplica pe fata si gat timp de o saptamana.
va pup:X:X!!!!

duminică, 26 februarie 2012

First makeup

Hey girls!
This is my first makeup blog posted :)
It is easy to do that makeup can be worn both day and night :)
I usually wear natural makeup but sometimes feel the need forsomething a little different :) and this is one of the makeup I use :)
Sorry for picture quality but are made ​​by phone:|
sorry for my hair:))

products used:
daolishi eyeshadow

pallet: Baolishi

Professional kohl - black ( AVON )
eyeliner liquid Bell
mascara: supershock max - black ( AVON )

lip gloss: satin satisfaction - pleased pink ( AVON )

Garnier essentials

Fundation: ideal shade - creamy natural ( AVON )

korektor: invisible light ( AVON )

Powder: ideal shade - light medium ( AVON )

Blush: no name

enlightening pearls ( AVON )