joi, 24 mai 2012

Rainy days..

Hey girls!
          It is a very bad time, torrential rains for several days, occasionally longer rain stops and the sun trying to make their place among the dark clouds, manages to "sketch a smile" for a few seconds but cloud-covered. 
          A time not so much to do and the state of boredom is taking place: (So I thought to watch some movies, have to plan: The Avangers, American Reunion and The Hunger Games.
What movies you recommend? no matter if is old or new
.Expect a review with your recommendations, I would be very grateful:*

Hey fetelor!
        Este o vreme foarte urat, de cateva zile ploua torential, din cand in cand se mai opreste ploaia si soarele incearca sa isi faca loc printre norii negri, reuseste sa "schiteze un zambet" de cateva secunde dar norii il acopera.
        Pe o asa vreme nu prea ai ce face si starea de plictiseala isi face loc:( Asa ca m-am gandit sa urmaresc niste filme, am in plan: The Avangers; American reunion and The Hunger Games.
Voi Ce filme in recomandati? nu conteaza daca sunt vechi sau noi.
Astept un comentariu cu recomandarile voastre, v-as fii foarte recunoscatoare:*

5 comentarii:

  1. poate se opreste si iesim in natura :)

  2. Thank you for your comment on my blog, i am following you on bloglovin - hope you'll follow back xx

  3. I haven't seen any of those movies but they all sound good :) Why don't you use the free time for another make up post? I saw the one you posted some time ago and it was great! Thank you for your lovely comment and following! Keep up the great work! xoxo from New York City

  4. kinda lot of movie in this year :3
