hey how are you girls?
Finally the rain stopped and the sun made its appearance than expected :)
Losing time on the internet I saw an interesting article to bloggers:) (http://crissakfashion.wordpress.com)
what do you think it was?: D About mustache, I know it sounds weird but it really is a must-have of 2012: D accessories, clothes, nail designs ... mustache is customary:DIt seemed so funny that I tried and I nail a model :)
is not able, but I want to share with you :)
P.S: do not understand why not focus phone well:(
hey ce mai faceti fetelor?
In sfarsit ploaia s-a oprit si si-a facut aparitia soarele mult asteptat:)
Pierzand timpul pe internet am vazut un articol interesant la o bloggerita:) (http://crissakfashion.wordpress.com)
despre ce credeti ca era vorba?:D Despre mustata, stiu suna ciudat dar chiar este un must-have al anului 2012:D Accesorii, haine, modele de unghii...mustata este nelipsita:D
Mi s-a parut asa de amuzant incat am zis sa incerc si eu un model de unghii:)
nu este chiar reusit, dar vreau sa impartasesc cu voi:)
P.S: nu inteleg de ce nu focalizeaza camera telefonului bine:(
(two models I have looked nice on the internet)
and two casual outfits:D
What do you think? you like "mustache"?:D