marți, 29 mai 2012

vintage mustache

                                                      is time mustache:))

hey how are you girls?
Finally the rain stopped and the sun made ​​its appearance than expected :)
Losing time on the internet I saw an interesting article to bloggers:) (
what do you think it was?: D About mustache, I know it sounds weird but it really is a must-have of 2012: D accessories, clothes, nail designs ... mustache is customary:D
It seemed so funny that I tried and I nail a model :)
is not able, but I want to share with you :)
P.S: do not understand why not focus phone well:(

hey ce mai faceti fetelor?
In sfarsit ploaia s-a oprit si si-a facut aparitia soarele mult asteptat:)
Pierzand timpul pe internet am vazut un articol interesant la o bloggerita:) (
despre ce credeti ca era vorba?:D Despre mustata, stiu suna ciudat dar chiar este un must-have al anului 2012:D Accesorii, haine, modele de unghii...mustata este nelipsita:D
Mi s-a parut asa de amuzant incat am zis sa incerc si eu un model de unghii:)
nu este chiar reusit, dar vreau sa impartasesc cu voi:)
P.S: nu inteleg de ce nu focalizeaza camera  telefonului bine:(
(two models I have looked nice on the internet)

and two casual outfits:D
What do you think? you like "mustache"?:D

sâmbătă, 26 mai 2012

Bold and playful

 Hey girls!
In today's article I will show a pattern of manicure done by me.I am not skilled but certainly not try unless you learn.
I saw some time ago a girl on youtube.Is a model for spring and summer because of "explosion of colors".
Of course you can do with your favorite colors: nude or pastel, mate or pearl:D
be playful, bold and colorful:D

In articolul de azi o sa va arat un model de manichiura facut de mine. Nu sunt eu priceputa dar daca nu incerc cu siguranta nu voi invata.
L-am vazut mai demult la o fata pe youtube.Este un model potrivit primavara  si vara datorita "exploziei de culori". Bineinteles ca il puteti face cu culorile voastre preferate: nude sau pastelate; mate sau sidefate:D

This is the end result and I needed a little bit of scoci:)
You like? What do you think

joi, 24 mai 2012

Rainy days..

Hey girls!
          It is a very bad time, torrential rains for several days, occasionally longer rain stops and the sun trying to make their place among the dark clouds, manages to "sketch a smile" for a few seconds but cloud-covered. 
          A time not so much to do and the state of boredom is taking place: (So I thought to watch some movies, have to plan: The Avangers, American Reunion and The Hunger Games.
What movies you recommend? no matter if is old or new
.Expect a review with your recommendations, I would be very grateful:*

Hey fetelor!
        Este o vreme foarte urat, de cateva zile ploua torential, din cand in cand se mai opreste ploaia si soarele incearca sa isi faca loc printre norii negri, reuseste sa "schiteze un zambet" de cateva secunde dar norii il acopera.
        Pe o asa vreme nu prea ai ce face si starea de plictiseala isi face loc:( Asa ca m-am gandit sa urmaresc niste filme, am in plan: The Avangers; American reunion and The Hunger Games.
Voi Ce filme in recomandati? nu conteaza daca sunt vechi sau noi.
Astept un comentariu cu recomandarile voastre, v-as fii foarte recunoscatoare:*

marți, 15 mai 2012

Life is easy???? NOOOOOT

Hey girls!:*
        I have not posting anything for a long time and I apologize, even if nobody missed me:)
It was a little more difficult for me, the decisions that to take and we could  not today:(  ( I do not thing anyone is so doubtful and uncertine on them) The stress put mark both mentally and physically on me:( I thank God that I got to get into any depression and gave me strenght to fight with me:)

hey fetelor!
Nu am mai postat nimic de o lunga perioada de timp si imi cer scuze chiar daca nimeni nu mi-a simtit lipsa:)
A fost o perioada putin mai grea pentru mine, cu decizii pe care trebuia sa le iau si nu am reusit nici in ziua de azi:(  ( nu cred ca mai exista persoane asa de nehotarate si nesigure pe ele:) Stresul si-a pus amprenta atat psihic cat si fizic asupra mea:( Ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca nu am ajuns sa intru in vreo depresie si mi-a dat puterea sa lupt cu mine:(

take care!!kisses:*:*