Hey fetelor! Ce faceti?
Nu am mai postat de ceva timp pentru ca am inceput munca si
am avut un program super dezordont…lucram ba de dimineata ba dupa amiaza…ba
intermediar…si e destul de obositor dar trecand peste azi am revenit cu un mic
articol despre cayeva produse pe care mi le doresc foarte mult…
Este vorba despre brand-ul macadamia natural oil care:D
Sunt foarte cautate
si folosite in america si am auzit numai lucruri bune despre aceste produse.
Eu am parul subtire si uscat la varfuri si se ingrasa la
radacini…am incercat o gramada de produse dar toate au avut acelasi efect…adica
nu mi-au ajutat parul deloc…
Si cum am vazut pe youtube ca sunt foarte laudate aceste
produse le-am adaugat pe lista de dorinte:D
Le puteti comanda de pe siteul aoro.ro si preturile sunt
destul de accesibile, acum nu stiu daca sunt originale sau nu…
Eu imi doresc foarte mult masca pentru par uscat si
deteriorat, samponul pentru par uscat si deteriorat si balsamul fara clatire!
Masca Macadamia natural oil care o gasiti in 3 variante :
100 ml – 34 RON ; 250 ml – 72 RON si 500 ml – 119 RON
Samponul Macadamia
natural oil care il gasiti tot in 3 variante: 100 ml – 23 RON ; 300 ml – 54 RON
si 1000 ml – 115 RON
Balsamul fara clatire macadamia natural oil care se gaseste
in 2 variante si anume: 60 ml – 17 RON si 300 ml – 67 RON
Bineinteles ca sunt si alte produse din acest brand dar eu
decat pe acestea mi le doresc:D
Voi le ati incercat? Ce parere aveti despre ele?
Astept comentariile voastre.
Va pup!
Hey girls! What are you doing?
I have not posted for a while because I started work and I work in the morning ... afternoon ... intermediate ... and it's pretty tiring but going over today I returned with a small article about products that I cayeva really want ...
It is natural macadamia oil brand that: D
They are very popular and used in America and heard only good things about these products.
I have thin hair and dry peaks and gain the roots ... I tried a lot of products but all had the same effect ... that is not helping my hair at all ...
And as we saw on youtube that are praised these products we have added to the wish list
You can order from the site aoro.ro and the prices are quite affordable, now I do not know if they are genuine or not ...
I really want my hair mask dry damaged hair shampoo and conditioner dry damaged without rinsing
Macadamia Natural Oil Mask - Deep repair mask
Macadamia Natural Oil Shampoo - Rejuvenating Shampoo
Conditioner without rinsing Macadamia Natural Oil - Nourishing Leave-In Cream
Of course there are other products of this brand but I than these I want them: D
I have tried them? What about them?
Waiting for your comments.
eu am achizitionat masca, dar nu m-a impresionat deloc..bani aruncati pe geam...nici nu ma mai tenteaza nimic de la ei :(
RăspundețiȘtergeresi eu m-am gandit ca poate dau banii degeaba...adica in america e mult mai scumpa...deci nu cred ca e originala,
Ștergeremultumesc de comentariu :*
nu am incercat nimic din cele de mai sus, dar arata bine
RăspundețiȘtergeremultumesc de comentariu:*
ȘtergereI have just followed you on GFC xx Hope you follow back <3 :)
RăspundețiȘtergereFreya Blendell - freyablendell.blogspot.ie
thanks, I will follow you back :*
ȘtergereI haven`t tried this, but it looks great, very interesting :)
thank you :*
ȘtergereOh very interesting brand~