vineri, 8 august 2014

appeal to nature / apel la natura

Hey fetelor !!!!

Cred ca toate avem probleme cu ridurile oricate creme din comert am folosii, unele mai scumpe ca altele…sau cate tratamente am face la saloane…toate astea necesita timp si bani, mai ales bani
Dar oare bunicutele noastre isi permiteau sa mearga la saloane?...sau aveau cremele de care dispunem noi in ziua de azi? Si cu toate astea aveau un ten curat si fara riduri ,,,ce secrete aveau?
In primul rand alimentatia sanatoasa si mastile naturale preparate in casa…foloseau diferite uleiuri esentiale…noi de ce sa nu ne bucuram de aceste lucruri si econosim si cativa banuti plus timpul pe care il putem petrece facand o plimbare prin parc sau sa facem ceva ce ne placeJ

Unul din aceste uleiuri este “uleiul de migdale dulci” , cred ca toate ati auzit de elJ acest ulei era folosit si de CleopatraJ
Acest ulei  are un continut mare de vitamina E de aceea actioneaza ca un balsam pentru piele si ofera protectie UV, previne deteriorarea pielii si ajuta la regenerarea si repararea celulelor!
Poate fii folosit atat extern cat si intern

Uz Extern:
1.       Ulei  de migdale dulci pentru piele
catifeleaza si pastreaza stralucirea pielii
- hidrateaza pielea in profunzime
- calmeaza iritatiile si inflamatiile de la nivelul pielii
- intarzie procesul de imbatranire
- amelioreaza cearcanele
- hraneste pielea, facand-o neteda si moale
- calmeaza pielea uscata si mancarimile pielii
- trateaza buzele crapate si eruptiile cutanate de pe corp
Eu il folosesc in fiecare seara , inainte de a merge la culcare, imi dau cu acest ulei pe zona de sub ochi. Acest procedeu ajuta la reducerea cearcanelor, petelor, liniilor fine si ridurilor.
            Ulei de migdale dulci pentru par
- hraneste si netezeste cuticulele firului de par
- stimuleaza cresterea parului lung si rezistent
- ofera stralucire parului 
- controleaza 
caderea parului
Se maseaza scalpul cu cateva picaturi de ulei si se tine o ora…dupa va spalati ca de obicei. Va da parului stralucire!

Uz intern:
-          Previne bolile cardiovasculare
-          Scade nivelul de colesterol
-          Ajuta digestia si e bun pentru imunitate
Eu l-am luat de la plafar si am dat 9,99 RON…eu cred ca merita J

Sa aveti un weekend placut alaturi de cei dragi!!


Hey girls !!!! 
I think we all have problems with as many wrinkles creams I use commercially available, some more expensive than others ... or how many treatments will I do at salons ... it takes time and money, especially money 
But did our grandmothers afford to go to salons? ... Or creams were available to us today? And yet they had a clean complexion without wrinkles,,, what secrets were? 
First, healthy eating and natural homemade masks ... using different essential oils ... why can not we enjoy these things and econosim and a few bucks extra time you can spend doing a walk through the park or do something we place 

One of these oils is "sweet almond oil", I think all el heard of this oil was used by Cleopatra 
This oil has a high content of vitamin E that acts as a balm for the skin and provides UV protection prevents damage to the skin and helps cell regeneration and repair! 
It can be used both externally and internally 

External use: 
1 sweet almond oil for skin 
- Softens and keeps skin shine 
- Moisturizes skin deep 
- Relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin 
- Delay the aging process 
- Improve dark circles 
- Nourishes the skin, making it smooth and soft 
- Soothes dry skin and itchy skin 
- Treat chapped lips and body rash 
I use it every night before going to bed, I give this oil on the area under the eyes. This process helps reduce dark circles, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles.

2 Sweet Almond Oil for Hair 
- Nourishes and smoothes hair cuticles 
- Stimulates hair growth and strong long 
- Gives hair shine 
- Control hair loss 
Massage the scalp with a few drops of oil and one hour ... after you wash as usual. It will give hair shine!

Internal use: 
- Prevents cardiovascular disease 
- Lowers cholesterol levels 
- Helps digestion and is good for immunity 
I got it from Plafar and gave 9.99 RON ... I think it's worth it  
Have a nice weekend with your loved ones !!

6 comentarii:

  1. I love it the oils are so good for my hair, I have a very dry hair and the olie oil is amazing and is great read that I can use this oil too.

    1. hey thanks for the comment...and how you use this oil for hair?...with another oils or mask? hair is dry too:((

  2. Looks like a wonderful product, nice review :)
    Lovely blog you have, I am following you too now :)

  3. Will be needing it for my hairfall :(
