luni, 4 august 2014

koizora ( sky of love ) japanese movie

Hey fetelorrrr!!!!

Ce faceti?:) cum ati inceput noua saptamana?

Eu am inceputa cam fara chef de munca;)) as leneviiii toata ziua :)) dar cum nimeni nu ne da nimic pe gratis  sau sa faca ceva pentru noiJ trebuie sa  ne ridicam moralul si sa ne facem chefJ
In postrea anterioara v-am vorbit de ceva ce imi  place, si anume Japonia….imi doresc ca intr-o buna zi sa am ocazia sa am ocazia sa o vizitezJ
Imi plac foarte mult filmele japoneze…mai ales dramele…sunt foarte buni la acest gen,parerea meaJ si bine inteles horror…brrrr sunt foarte reliste si inspaimantatoare,chiar si dupa ce se termina filmul ramai asa cu o stare de nelinisteJ
Azi vreau sa va vorbesc despre o drama superba care pe mine m-a impresionat forte mult si care m-a facut sa apreciez si mai mult lucrurile simple si fiecare clipita din viata asta!!! Azi esti…dar maine cine stieL
Este vorba despre drama KOIZORA (sky of love)…”Serialul” are 6 episoade dar exista si filmul care tine in jur de 2 oreJ
Eu am vazut serialul, e mult mai detaliatJ
Tahara Mika este o fata obisnuita de liceu. Intr-o zi din senin un “coleg” din clasa vecina o saruta, numele lui este Sakurai Hiroki, cunoscut sub numele de Hiro! Hiro este genul de “bad boy” care iese in evidenta din cauza parului alb:D Mika este suparta din cauza ca primul ei sarut s-a intamplat astfelJ dar pana sa realizeze ea este deja indragostita de elJ  toata actiunea este imprevizibila chiar nu stii la ce sa te astepti si finalul ….va las pe voi sa aflatiJ
E unul din filmele memorabile pe care le-am vazut…m-a impresionat pana la lacrimi….vi-l recomand cu draga inima chiar daca filmele japoneze nu sunt printre preferatele voastre…sau genul drama….cu siguranta acesta va v-a impresiona;)
Puteti sa il vedeti tradus in romana aici:
Va plac filmele japoneze? Ce filme imi recomandati?
Astept comentariile voastre despre aceasta drama si ce filme japoneze imi mai recomandatiJ

O saptamana minunata sa aveti!!!!


Hey girls! 
What do :) As you start the new week? 
I started working a little reluctantly;)) I laze all day :)) but how nobody gives anything for free or do anything for us  must raise our spirits and make us feel  
In previous postrea I talked about something that I like, namely Japan .... I want that one day to have the opportunity to have the opportunity to visit  
I love movies ... especially Japanese dramas ... are very good at this kind, in my opinion, and of course  ... brrrr are relist horror and scary, even after the movie ends so stay with restlessness  
Today I want to tell you about a wonderful drama that forces me impressed me a lot and that made me appreciate things even more simple and every moment of this life! Today you ... but tomorrow who knows  
It's about drama Koizora (Sky of Love) ... "series" has 6 episodes but there are movie you around 2 h  
I saw the drama, it's much more  
Tahara Mika is an ordinary high school girl. One day out of the blue a "colleague" class neighbor kissing his name is Sakurai Hiroki, known as Hiro! Hiro is the kind of "bad boy" that stands out because of the white hair: D Mika is Dispenser because her first kiss happened so  but to realize she is already in love with him  all the action is unpredictable really do not know the what to expect and the end .... will leave you to find out  
It's one of the memorable films that I've seen ... impressed me to tears .... I highly recommend it wholeheartedly even if Japanese films are not among your favorites ... or like drama .... surely it will impress;) 
You can see it translated in Romanian here: 
Do you like Japanese movies? What movies do you recommend? 
Waiting your comments about this Japanese drama and movies I recommend you  
A wonderful week to you!!

5 comentarii:

  1. Kimi ni todoke is a beautiful lovestory.
    But I love Korean stuff.
    Koizora is beautiful too but I didn't like the climax..the death of hiro.

    1. and I'll watch this movie today :) thanks
      hmmm I've heard so many good things about the films and koreene ... definitely one to watch a few: D
      yeah, I did not expect to die hiro (greatly saddened me

  2. I spent all of July in Japan and got to see so many different cities. It's a wonderful country and so beautiful too. I hope you get to visit it one day!

    I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog right now, where all of the prizes come from Japan. Check it out if you like Japanese beauty goods/cute stuff!

    1. hey thank you:* I visit your blog now
      you are blessing! I hope to have the opportunity to visit Japan some day

  3. Imi amintesc ca am vazut filmul, sky of love, acum cativa ani si am sperat pana la sf filmului sa existe un final fericit, insa cred ca filmul nu ar mai fi ajuns atat de cunoscut daca finalul sau actiunea ar fi fost schimbate. Un film bun! :-*
